Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Daughtry Promo Pic?

OK - look - we're Daughtry fans. Congrats on the new album and everything. But...What's UP with this promo pic? Chris looks like a bald hobbit or a vexed polygamist with his Abraham-beard who just revealed that Jedediah Hyrum brought his daughter home a little too late after wrecking the carriage. The guy next to him looks like he's being asked to do chores or something and is pouting like a he needs a quick $20. Forget the mop-head guy in the middle and move over to the two on the right side. Yo - what the?!@#? Blondie looks like he's getting his prostate checked, or is being frisked by over-eager airport security in San Francisco. And that guy on the far right - Hello? Where's his left hand? Is he hugging blondie? Why is he asleep and snuggling his head on blondie's shoulder.

Dude.....we're just sayin'....

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen this! Yeah why didn't they pick a better photo?!?

    I love the album though!!
